GTA VI: 10 Features That Must Be Included

3. More Aerial Missions

Speaking of which, Rockstar have really expanded the idea of using air vehicles over the years. Remember that excited feeling of flying a helicopter for the first time in GTA: Vice City? Or that thrill when controlling jets and planes in GTA: San Andreas? This is something gamers take for granted nowadays, because GTA V had so many options for flying. That's the way things should be, but it'd be nice to see more mission variety when it comes to these vehicles. Throughout many of the previous games, aircraft has been used in some missions, but such tasks have usually been dotted out rather than fully explored. GTA VI is the time to set things right in that respect, and give players more bang for their buck. There have even been rumours that VI will take place in more than one location. If that proves to be the case, why not enable gamers to fly between each locale, it'd certainly open up the game world a little more and help it feel more atmospheric. Whatever happens, having more missions based around jets, planes and helicopter control sounds fun.
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.