GTA VI: 10 Lessons It Must Learn From The Competition

9. Humour - Saints Row

Following GTA IV Rockstar should've gone one of two ways; either return to the series' more goofy roots and attempt to take on the now absolutely-insane Saints Row series - that since part three has come into its own - or double-down on the more serious nature of GTA IV and tell gritty, weighty tales in a similar vein to something like L.A. Noire. However due to the need to please everyone when you're in such an industry-defining position as they are - and after taking on board GTA IV's criticisms - they attempted to shine light on both sides of the coin. For the most part it works in that fratboy, point n' chuckle sort of way; like when you occasionally laugh at something like their Facebook rip-off being called LifeInvader or the main brand of beer being 'P*sswasser' - the German translation of 'p*ss water' - but at the same time if you've played either of the last two Saints games chances are you'll have laughed out loud multiple times. There's also a huge inconsistency in tone too. Playing to that want to dabble in controversial elements meant we got that really out-of-place torture scene - that even if you didn't mind, is impossible to fully justify - but on the flip-side we have a world that serves as a giant black mirror to society, with lighter satirical barbs like programs being called Weazel News or America's Next Top Hooker, alongiside overblown stereotypes and sex-weapons. We're not saying GTA VI has to be a laugh riot, but there were a huge amount of scenes throughout V - particularly with Trevor - where you weren't sure if you were supposed to be laughing at the disgusting events on screen, or if Rockstar were using them to make a point.
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