GTA VI: 10 Lessons It Must Learn From The Competition

5. How To Have Fun With Huge Weapons - Mercenaries

Technically this could be inspired by Saints Row too, but if there's one franchise that built its name on a ludicrous overuse of gigantic weapons it's Mercenaries. It's all going to hinge on the idea that Rockstar are yet to really nail down a core identity for GTA going forward, but if they decide to revisit the zaniness of San Andreas - perhaps letting us switch to some renegade army general or whoever - then giving us the controls to some airstrikes and other over-the-top weaponry to enact revenge on any in our way could be perfect. Now whilst you're potentially rolling your eyes - or hopefully touching the tips of your outstretched fingers Mr. Burns-style - remember how ridiculous events got in GTA V with the likes of Trevor and his submarine, stealing top-secret weapons from under the sea. We're not saying the next GTA has to go full banana-sandwich-crazy like Mercs and Saints have, but if you introduce these sorts of weapons with the heft and visual spectacle that would come with grounding them in GTA's semi-serious world, it could be a hell of a lot of fun. When the most extravagant weapons you can get your hands on across the last five games have always been miniguns and RPGs, it's time to pull out all the stops and really test that new graphics engine with occasional dabbles in some larger, more screen-filling destruction.
Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

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