GTA VI: 10 Perfect Ways To Revisit Vice City

2. Ability To Buy Properties Like The Mansion On Starfish Island

GTA vice city

GTA V didn't quite perfect the property ladder, but being able to save up money and buy everything from strip clubs to art-deco cinemas gave the game life beyond missions. We want to see that in a reimagined Vice City too, and it all starts with 'The Coke Baron's Mansion' on Starfish Island.

A plush mansion straight out of Scarface, the place is exactly the kind of property players should be able to purchase in GTA VI. The same goes for the aforementioned Malibu Club, Pole Position stripper joint and (while we're at it) maybe even the entire Leaf Links Golf Club. You know the one, just over from JockSport.

Building a property portfolio has become part of the GTA universe, and there's no reason why it wouldn't work. Just look at Vice City Stories for proof of that. It's time for Vercetti or whomever the main character is to reclaim Vice as their own.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.