GTA VI: 10 Reasons It Must Return To Vice City

4. Vice City Had The Best Vehicles

If you're a car buff for whom the sound of a car engine is as beautiful as the sound of their lover's orgasm, then just about any GTA game will be one giant vehicle-porn fantasy. But to the average person - for whom cars can be divided into sports cars, convertibles, and 'the crap ones you get right after passing your driving test', you need something a bit more to pique your interest in such modes of transport. That's where Vice City comes in, with its retro replicas of DeLoreans, old-school variants of Ferraris and Lamborghinis, as well as those skiddy muscle cars like the Phoenix - with its big old bonnet scoop and gritty engine. The hard-angled, distinctly 80s-style vehicles of Vice City felt like a piece of alternative history that you got to get a look in on. But let's face it, back in 2002 when Vice City was released, cars in just about any game looked hard-angled and blocky due to the tech limitations of the time. It'd be great to see Rockstar give the Vice City vehicles the current-gen graphical treatment to those hard angles, bonnet scoops, and aerodynamic fins on the backs of cars that purportedly sped them up. And how about including that most iconic 80s vehicle of all - Knight Rider's KITT - as an unlockable car, with the ability to summon it to auto-ride to your aid when you're stuck in the wilderness surrounding the city, or to run over a bunch of goons who have you pinned down?

Gamer, Researcher of strange things. I'm a writer-editor hybrid whose writings on video games, technology and movies can be found across the internet. I've even ventured into the realm of current affairs on occasion but, unable to face reality, have retreated into expatiating on things on screens instead.