GTA VI: 11 Things That Must Be Included

2. Better Combat Mechanics

It's somewhat ironic that, considering how integral combat is to the GTA series, it's still a little weak in some places. Though GTA IV and GTA V both brought considerable changes to the cover and shooting mechanics, the games still leave plenty to be desired in allowing players more options to violently dispense with enemies. For starters, melee combat is strangely one-note and "floaty": it would be cool to be able to grapple and then interact with the environment in combat, such as smashing an enemy's head through a window or curb-stomping them on the ground. As for shooting, it simply needs more complex mechanics, such as being able to use other citizens or enemies as meat shields, and less of a reliance on auto-aim (because shooting without auto-aim is a huge pain). Given how many similar games and even some of Rockstar's other titles boast better shooting than GTA, how have they not managed to perfect it yet?

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.