Hades: 14 Awesome Details You Totally Missed

12. Zagreus Doesn't Know Basic Surface Things

hades game
Supergiant Games

A hilarious running gag in the game involves Zagreus (understandably) not knowing what many surface things are, from animals to plants and even certain foods. While some of his surface discoveries are portrayed for dramatic effect, such as the first time he ever sees the sun rise or the first time he feels snow under his feet, others are just plain hilarious.

He doesn't know what a tan is (understandably, since the underworld has no sun), he doesn't know how to eat onions properly (which Eurydice is horrified by), he doesn't know what birds are (based on his comment about Hermes's symbol, which he likens to a bat wing).

He only knows of bears through Artemis's bear friend Callisto and because he gets killed by one on the surface, he doesn't know that other fruits besides pomegranates exist (until his mother tells him otherwise). He also has no idea snakes can kill him, given that he befriends snakes in the Underworld and went up to greet one on the surface.

This attention to worldbuilding detail makes Zagreus so much more interesting than his initial, seemingly edgy introduction, and makes his character all the more delightful.

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Writer, artist, professional animator. Indie comics and Hi Nay podcast creator. Queer Filipino storyteller || @MotzieD on Twitter || Originally from Quezon City, The Philippines. Currently based in Toronto, Canada || motziedapul.com