Hades: 14 Awesome Details You Totally Missed
10. The Intricate Menu Animations
Despite only being onscreen for less than a second, the varied and beautiful animations for each menu matches each of their themes, from Charon's well to picking boons.
The process for Charon's well in particular shows the mind-blowing amount of work, thought, and detail put into the experience of checking the well, from colours matching Charon's design to the way the animation loop works with the floating coins and liquid effects, and even how colours and other details direct the player's eye to the important parts of the screen.
So much work is put into something as quick and easily missed as UI animation, and for the Hades game, each menu is designed to the letter to match the theme of what it's presenting. That's not even mentioning the perfect sound effects unique to each design.
Hades in particular does a fantastic job with this, but it's also important to highlight that it's not the only game to put this much work into design, and that the game designers and animators and other hardworking craftspeople deserve praise for how much depth of thought is put into something so seemingly small, to make for an overall satisfying gameplay experience.