Half-Life 2: 10 Reasons It's Still The Best First-Person Shooter Ever

5. Attention Seeking

HL2 never rushes to grab your attention. As stated prior to this, its a game that slowly builds its narrative up and the same can be said for gameplay; it never forces set pieces on you, there aren't any moments where its trying to get you to mash keys/buttons quickly, there are no NPC's screaming objectives whilst trying to avoid flying bullets or explosions, it never asks you to look at something and react in a time critical manner. It is a game that folds layer upon layer on you. The combat ranges from the methodical - Nova Prospect - to the insane, such as Water Hazard. Its set pieces may be grand at times, but you are never not involved.If this is Orwell, then COD is nothing but a trashy comic book. So many first-person shooters seem to forget this rule these days, yeah its impressive you can flatten the New York skyline and keep it running at 48 fps as I drive a boat in and out of inane obstacles on the Hudson River Activsion, but if I stop controlling said boat for a moment, it really shows how little control I actually have. The controls onHL2 are frankly amazing, every bump or mistimed jump are felt as you navigate the complex sewers whilst being relentlessly attacked by a chopper. Take yourself back to the first time you played Water Hazard: Can you remember the adrenaline when you heard the chopper above you, driving that cruddy boat over ramps and in and out of seemingly impossible pipes? Remember the buzz you felt as you rushed for cover when the sound of the its guns whirred, revved and took aim. Cast your mind back to that beautiful moment - remember it yet? Good, now stop reading this and go play it again.
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Half Life 2
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Shaun does not enjoy writing about himself in the third person. The rest? I will tell you in another life, when we are both cats...