Half-Life Delayed, Again

Half-Life Logo Dr. Gordon Freeman is a theoretical physicist who must fight his way out of a secret underground facility whose research has gone disastrously wrong. This is the pitch for Half-Life, the first video game developed by the startup Valve, but it may well describe how things seem to be going inside the new studio's offices (if they have any at all). Presented in last year's Electronic Entertainment Expo, Half-Life garnered its fair share of attention thanks to its revolutionary graphics, based on the Quake engine, and appealing story. But would-be fans have been disappointed time and again by Valve's inability to meet its own release date announcements. Valve informed today that the game will be released next November, but reliable sources from inside the studio tell me Half-Life won't hit the shelves before the end of 1999. I won't say it, but I think Newell and Co should have never left Microsoft in the first place. Considering how many difficulties they had just to find a publisher, I can't fathom a bright future for these guys, honestly. The game's graphics are astounding, though. Feast your eyes on this... Half-Life But a crowbar, seriously? I would expect fancier weapons to be found in a high-tech research facility. I don't have any high hopes for finding many original tools to wield against you opponents in this game. You guys can keep waiting. I will be happy playing Novalogic's amazing F-22 Raptor with my brand new joystick, which will give me countless hours of flight simulation enjoyment for the years to come. Are you excited for Half-Life? Share your thoughts below.
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Former Training Lead in Electronic Arts Certification, Sergio quit in 2012 to devote to his writing career. He just published his first novel, available in Spanish on Amazon, and is now working on the English version. He can be contacted through almost any social media invented by man.