Halo 4: 10 Reasons To Be Excited

4. New Story to be Told

There is a lot that we don't know about Master Chief and Halo 4 seems to want to change that. It has been revealed by the developers that they plan to delve deep into the Halo universe to drag up the master chief's past as well as the past of the Covenant and the Forerunners. It also seems that our trusted companion, Cortana, will have a pivotal role in the plot as details of her exposure to Halo as well as her usually long life span are looked at in greater detail. It seems as though 343 industries have decided that the world need to know more about the Master Chief and the forerunners and I for one am excited to learn more.

Film and Gaming writer, Video maker, hardcore gamer and all round nerd! Follow Him on Twitter, shads616