Hands-On: HTC Vive Vs. PlayStation VR - 7 Key Aspects Compared

3. Games Line-Up

HTC, Valve and Sony have kept their cards close to their chest when it comes to what games they have in store for their headsets. HTC has been a bit more forthcoming, revealing that by the end of Q1 2016, a total of 80 games will be compatible with the Vive. An HTC spokesperson said that this will be a mixture of already-released games that will be patching in VR support, and games released specifically for the headset. Among the games adding VR support are Alien: Isolation, Elite: Dangerous and, allegedly, Company of Heroes 2. Sony, meanwhile, has revealed very little about what games - past and future - will work with its headset. It was intriguing to see that one of the demos I played was set in the universe of The Getaway - a much-loved PS2 cult classic. When I asked Dave Ranyard, head of PlayStation VR's London studio who also worked on The Getaway, about whether this hinted at a possible Getaway game for the PS4, he carefully responded that "the things you saw will be available on PlayStation VR. How they'll be available and what format exactly, we're still working out". Ranyard also said that we will probably see developers adding VR support to existing games, as well as creating new games for it, but didn't reveal any more specifics. He also didn't reveal how many games were lined up for PlayStation VR, although SCEE President Shuhei Yoshida said that there are already "many" VR games that are yet to be announced, so that's reassuring - if a bit vague.

Gamer, Researcher of strange things. I'm a writer-editor hybrid whose writings on video games, technology and movies can be found across the internet. I've even ventured into the realm of current affairs on occasion but, unable to face reality, have retreated into expatiating on things on screens instead.