Horizon Zero Dawn: 16 Crucial Tips & Tricks The Game Doesn't Tell You

2. Finding Out Where You Are

Horizon zero dawn

This is one for voluntary spoilers, but I'm only going to tell you HOW to find out where Horizon is set. The rest - if you want - is up to you.

So, once you get out in the open world, you'll see a number of individual icons pop up on the map, and although there are some called 'Vantage', it's actually the giganto giraffe-like Tallnecks that free up the 'fog' on the world map itself, meaning a lot of players may favour them when first playing through the game.

Instead, make a point to go to these Vantage points and interact with the prompts there (just look for the purple icons on-high in the 'zone' the icon paints). After this, enter the main menu and navigate across into your right-most Archive, then view the entry you just acquired, and you'll get the name of a place.

I'd recommend getting a Vantage name from the West-most and East-most points on the map, then put both into Google Maps, and let your mind be blown.

Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

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