Horizon Zero Dawn: 16 Crucial Tips & Tricks The Game Doesn't Tell You

15. How To Do A Slow-Motion Knee Slide

Horizon Zero Dawn

After leaving the tutorial section, you'll probably start to play around more liberally with the array of animations and moves within Aloy's repertoire. One of which is clicking the right stick down whilst aiming to slow time and perfect your shots.

You can do this in mid-air too, though it's harder to line anything up, and even slicker is the knee side.

Done by sprinting on L3 and then hitting Square, you'll leap into what can be a pretty lengthy slide. Aim whilst doing this and you'll get another slow motion effect - perfect for sliding right past advancing multitudes of enemies, before firing back in the direction you're now sliding away from.

If you ever played Platinum Games' immaculate Vanquish, you'll be right home. Oh, and it works on any surface, even down various mountainous regions or not-too-steep cliff edges if you want to make a more advantageous getaway.

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