How Bethesda Should Make The Elder Scrolls VI

5. Cooperative Gameplay

Elder Scrolls Vi

The series broke into MMORPG territory with the release of The Elder Scrolls Online in 2014, and it's turned out to be an experiment that has yielded as many failures as successes. Going full World of Warcraft compromised the sense of immersion and denied players the chance to make a personal mark on the story.

It was, in many ways, a radical departure from what Elder Scrolls fans are accustomed to, but not everything about the online game was terrible. It worked best when pitting small groups of friends against a specific quest or dungeon, and this is something that could be carried across to the core series.

Light co-op elements could be included in Elder Scrolls VI, allowing players to call on their companions when the going gets tough in a specific quest as a purely optional strategy. The focus should still be solo adventuring, but multiplayer play without WoW-style chat windows or hordes of players running around would be a bonus.

If done right, these cooperative missions could capture the best parts of Skyrim and Elder Scrolls Online, making the sequel an ambitious hybrid of sorts that draws on everything Bethesda has learned from both of these titles.


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