How Rockstar Should Make Grand Theft Auto VI

8. The Option To Play On Either Side Of The Law

GTA VI 6 Cops Police

In other words, it's about time Grand Theft Auto gave us the option to become part of the thin blue line separating society from crime-ridden chaos.

As much as we love car jacking, heists and punching innocent people square in the face, we've been getting our Scarface on across 15 GTA games for the last two decades, so how about something completely different?

A playable police officer would bring a fresh perspective to GTA VI and wouldn't necessarily stray from the series' outlaw roots. They could be a crooked cop, after all.

From bad guy-hunting side quests to story missions where players must work in the shadows alongside the criminal element, the possibilities here are endless.

And if Rockstar is planning to go down the triple protagonist route once again, having one of our leads on the right side of the law could make things really interesting.


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