In Diablo 3 You're Going To Die Because Blizzard Promises So

A recent post on the Diablo 3 website, reveals a video highlighting the higher difficulties of the forthcoming, March 9th released game.

A recent post on the Diablo 3 website, reveals a video highlighting the higher difficulties of the forthcoming release. With the title of the post being, "You will Die. We Promise", it seems to be a very bold statement from the creators. A cool video or a fairly disappointing attempt from Blizzard to give fans something after the push from Q1 2012 to Q2? Watch below and let me know what you think... Bring it on! This is what I want in a video game, a challenge that occurs after learning the core game concepts. After working through normal, you get to nightmare, then hell, and finally the all mighty inferno. Your keyboard will be smashed to bits by rage that boils inside you, as you writhe in defeat as a result of your first big enemy encounter. This brings in the notion that good communication and proper teamwork are in order to successfully conquer the inferno difficulty. How can we possibly resist attempting to prove the developers wrong? We are gamers, hear us click our mouses rapidly! Seeing characters deal out 200+ DPS (Damage Per Second), and still not destroying monsters after multiple hits both intimidates me, and raises a call in me to accept the challenge. With all of the wonderful loot that is sure to drop as a result of our efforts, I'm going to be lost in Diablo for a long time when the game finally releases when the planets align. I have a very strange feeling though that we're going to have many fragile alliances, as we all fight for the best loot. With the implementation of the Auction House, it may also become a race of getting the best gear for profit. What do you think of the new video? Are you up for the challenge? Are you still raging at the fact that they pushed it back again? Let me know below!

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