Indie Dev Focus: Klei Entertainment

The Pièce de résistance in Klei's gaming crown at the moment is definitely Mark of the Ninja, inaudibly sneaking up on the gaming community last summer. This title really took the expectations of a 2D stealth game and tore up the rule book, while shouting the new and improved version from the mountain tops to a conveniently placed court stenographer, who certainly wasn€™t kidnapped. The depth and variation of playability for a 2D stealth game would seem limited on paper, but Klei kept adding pages to this and produced a magnificently thorough experience that insists on replay-ability to accurately pursue the complete offerings on the table. Implementing a points based system for each level adds an intense self competitive streak, or friendly bouts with buddies for leaderboard dominance. Scoring points by remaining undetected, not killing a soul or pick pocketing key holders can become a bum clenching affair but a hugely satisfying experience once the score is tallied at the end and you€™ve achieved the targets. Controlling the nameless protagonist as he stealthily manoeuvres his way throughout the eastern settings is immensely fun while you plan your next attack or escape. Points, finding scrolls and completing tasks are required to unlock more abilities and weapons, so it can be a timely, but exciting affair to 100% the game which can clock in at around the 15 €“ 20 hour mark. Mark of the Ninja stunned critics, enamoured gamers and sliced the wrinkly neck of Solid Snake while hanging Ryu Hayabusa from a light. Klei proudly brought numerous awards, nominations and perfect review scores back to Vancouver with its atmospheric visual master class in gameplay and design, and a series that should definitely spawn a sequel. This evidence shows that Klei is an indie studio with the expert credentials to develop wonderful experiences will be around for some time, and I couldn€™t be happier. I€™ll wait with bated breath for their next game announcement whatever it is, or if they can bring Don€™t Starve to Xbox I€™ll certainly settle for that. What do you think? Have Klei produced some gaming gems in their short company span? Or do you not rate them as developers? Let us know in the comments below

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