It may not seem it, but there's actually quite a bit we already know about Infamous: Second Son, the next iteration in acclaimed development studio Sucker Punch's sandbox/RPG stylized games revolving around superpowers. For starters, it boasts unbelievable graphics with an unprecedented level of destructable environments. Everybody also knows we are stepping into the shoes of a new Conduit too; a graffiti artist named Delsin Rowe who can bend smoke and use fire related attacks. Past trailers have showed us a more heroic side to the titular superhero promoting his disdain for a militia against Conduits, but the Infamous franchise prides itself on giving the player the option to do good or evil bidding, so it's only natural to debut a trailer showing off some potentially evil choices. This brand new trailer begins introducing a new female Conduit going by the name of Fetch and shifts to Delsin making use of his smoke and fire abilities against the DUP eventually reaching her. He then argues with his father about how other Conduits should be dealt with and then absorbs her unclear powers via process that possibly leaves her dead. Infamous: Second Son is slated for a first quarter 2014 release and will be exclusively available on the PS4. Tell us what you think of the game below!