Injustice 2: 10 Characters NetherRealm Must Consider For DLC

2. Beast Boy

beast boy

Although Starfire is great in her own right, Beast Boy is the Teen Titan who holds the biggest potential for brand new gameplay.

It isn't just the gameplay possibilities that make Beast Boy great. His personality fits in perfectly with the rest of the Injustice cast, with Garfield having plenty of existing relationships with the other heroes and villains in the series so far.

Whilst it may not seem the best idea to have another comedy focused character in the roster, Beast Boy isn't just comedic. He has a lot of depth and heart and is a natural hero who has faced a lot of prejudice in his life. Undoubtedly he would be against Superman's regime and fight against it.

The thing that makes Beast Boy most unique is his power. With the ability to turn into any animal he pleases, Beast Boy could have several different special moves that turn him into different animals. He could turn into a bear for medium strength attacks, an elephant for heavy attacks, a cheetah for speed and even more.

Every single throw could be different, with Garfield randomly turning into a different animal each time. He just has so many different gameplay possibilities that would make him stand out from the crowd in the best way possible.

Beast Boy absolutely needs to be in the roster. Every other Teen Titan pales in comparison.

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Injustice 2
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Jumping through portals, swinging through cities, destroying beings made of darkness and occasionally shooting a gun or two. I also write about games.