Injustice 2: 10 Essential Premier Skins That Must Be Included

6. CW Flash

Image result for cw flash

Premier Skin for: The Flash.

Much like how the first Injustice included a skin of CW's Arrow for Green Arrow, Injustice 2 should include a skin that gives The Flash his appearance from the television series.

CW's Flash is arguably even more popular than Arrow at this point in time. Because of this, it makes a lot more sense to include the Barry Allen from the T.V. show as the Premier Skin for Flash.

Although it may make more sense to just include his T.V costume as alternate Gear for the Flash, there are enough differences in personality, looks and abilities that make it much more viable for CW Flash to appear as a Premier Skin instead.

It also works out very well for both CW and NetherRealm, as both raise awareness for each other's projects. Another great option for a Premier Skin would be CW's Supergirl, but considering how popular the Flash TV show is right now, it makes more sense to include him instead.

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Injustice 2
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Jumping through portals, swinging through cities, destroying beings made of darkness and occasionally shooting a gun or two. I also write about games.