Injustice 2: 8 Things You Didn't Know You Could Do

2. Characters' Invisible Strength Levels

Injustice 2

As far as I can see, this information isn't surfaced anywhere in the game, but there's a big distinction between characters and what I'm calling their 'strength levels' i.e. how they interact with the environment.

One of the most obvious is playing as someone like Superman as his is maxed out, allowing Clark to pick up any shining parts of the level to fling at opponents. It gets more interesting for mid-air interactions like the drone in Gotham's theatre stage, as many characters can swing on it if their strength is low enough (like Catwoman, for example), whereas Batman, Superman etc. will grab and toss immediately.

Take heed of 'perceived strength' when choosing your character and learn to exploit the environment in tow. It might just provide an out in the most intense of scenarios.

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Injustice 2
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