James Bond's Moonraker To Appear in 007 Legends
Activision reveal the Roger Moore classic as the first level in upcoming Best of Bond style shooter.

A first-of-its-kind Bond video game, 007 Legends features an original, overarching storyline featuring six classic Bond films offering the most diverse Bond gaming experience yet! As with the feature films, 007 Legends equips players with state-of-the-art spy gadgets, an arsenal of weapons, including Bonds signature Walther PPK, and sleek vehicles as they jet off to exotic locations. Use Bonds quick wits, class and style to take down notorious villains and their brutal henchmen, perform impressive stunts and of course gorgeous Bond women.The development team have also released an unveiling trailer, featuring gameplay from the Moonraker level, which you can see below... http://youtu.be/1F6Gas3DYBM The game certainly looks good so far, and the opportunity to play opposite one of the most iconic villains from the entire Bond history will no doubt appeal to fans. Good work making this one the first reveal, I say. You can follow all of our 007 Legends coverage here.