Kingdom Come: Deliverance - 11 Incredibly Helpful Secrets You Need To Know

10. How To Make Lockpicking A TON Easier

Kingdom Come Deliverance Lockpick

Thanks to Youtube channel Xbox On for this lot, as although Warhorse have noted they'll be patching a different lockpicking mechanic into the game going forward, the version we have right now is infuriatingly hard to get down.

To remedy this:

- Turn off the controller vibration. Even the smallest motions will affect your grip and the on-screen display, and this can be a big help.

- Talk to Peshek who lives near Rattay (you meet him in the story) and ask about Lockpick training. You can repeatedly unlock the same chest he provides to grind your lockpick skill indefinitely.

- Using the above method, grind to level 3 to unlock the Lasting Lockpicks perk - it'll mean the picks themselves last twice as long before breaking. Level 6 gets you Deft Grip, which means any lock's tumbler only needs to be moved half the distance.

Getting all the way to Master Thief automatically opens lower-level locks, making the entire introductory sequence much easier.

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