Kingdom Come: Deliverance - 15 Tips & Tricks The Game Doesn't Tell You

2. Vault Fences Regularly To Increase Vitality Faster

Kingdom come deliverance

Vitality and Stamina are key attributes to focus on when on your journey, as they fundamentally increase your health allowances and stamina drain. Henry is borderline useless and close to blacking out after just picking up a blade and swinging it at the beginning, but that will change once these two areas get worked on.

To deliberately game the system towards amping up Vitality, just repeatedly vault any fences you come across. There's a specific animation where Henry will reach out and leap over in one quick motion, and it's this you want to trigger multiple times.

No matter how daft you think it is, repeatedly going back and forth over the same turf, you'll reap the benefits almost immediately after.

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