Kingdom Hearts 3: 10 Final Fantasy Characters Who Must Appear
Could Lightning finally strike?

One of the biggest things that makes Kingdom Hearts so lovable is its fantastic array of characters, both original and those crossing over from Disney and Final Fantasy.
Of course, new Disney characters are generally regarded as being more exciting inclusions - made pretty clear by the fact that we haven't seen any Final Fantasy characters appear so far (despite Noctis recently appearing in Tekken 7).
Although most Final Fantasy characters are relegated to cameo appearances in Radiant Garden or Twilight Town, some of them manage to have quite a big impact on the story - especially in the first and second game.
Saying nothing of just how excruciatingly hard Sephiroth's boss battle was in the original, hopefully the notion of making Final Fantasy characters integral parts of the narrative carries through into Kingdom Hearts 3, as they're one of the core aspects of the franchise.
Considering how long it's actually been since the last true Kingdom Hearts game, it'll be pretty interesting to see which Final Fantasy characters make a return, which appear for the first time ever, and which are left on the sidelines once again.
10. Sephiroth

Every numbered Kingdom Hearts game has had Sephiroth appear as a hidden boss for Sora to challenge. Seeing as how Kingdom Hearts 3 is the culmination of the Xehanort saga, it makes sense for Sora to have his final battle with Sephiroth and end things once and for all.
Besides featuring as an extra boss, Sephiroth hasn't really seen much use in the Kingdom Hearts universe as of yet. His brief encounters with Sora are almost always punctuated with a battle with Cloud, although we never get to see the outcome.
For his appearance in the final act of the Xehanort saga, Sephiroth should have a much bigger role, including a much more cinematic battle with Sora. Even including Cloud as a party member against Sephiroth would be pretty cool, although it might ruin the challenge a little bit.
Nomura has confirmed that the team are still deliberating whether or not to include Sephiroth as a secret boss in Kingdom Hearts 3, as they don't want to make him seem redundant. Considering that Olympus Coliseum will have appeared in six different games by Kingdom Hearts 3's release, it doesn't seem like we'll be missing out on Sephiroth.