Kingdom Hearts 3: 10 Iconic Character Summons We'd Love To See

5. The Incredibles

The Incredibles

Although having a world based on The Incredibles would be a dream come true, with Toy Story already representing Pixar, it's pretty unlikely we'll get The Incredibles too.

The Incredibles would still make an absolutely fantastic choice for a summon. Considering Kingdom Hearts 3's focus on having as many party members as possible, including the superhero family would be a great way of testing that.

Each Incredible would also have a different function: Dash could run around the battlefield with Sora, getting him around the environment as fast as possible, whilst Violet could protect Sora in a bubble whilst sneaking around the Heartless.

Mr. and Mrs. Incredible would both attack the Heartless head on, using brute strength and range to get the upper hand. Certain members of the family could even team up, such as having Dash and Violet create a forcefield and run around in it like they did in the movie. A great way to end the summon would be to have Jack Jack come in and use a random finishing power.

Including the Incredibles as summons would be a smart move on Pixar's part, considering the love for the series and the upcoming release of The Incredibles 2 in the same year.


Jumping through portals, swinging through cities, destroying beings made of darkness and occasionally shooting a gun or two. I also write about games.