Kingdom Hearts 3: 10 Perfect Ways For Pixar Characters To Be Included

5. Finding Nemo

Kingdom Hearts Pixar

How: A mini-game story world.

Like some of the previous entries on this list, Finding Nemo doesn't easily offer up a world in which combat could logically take place. Though its undersea setting is similar to the original game's Atlantica, the difference here is that Ariel could at least serve in a fight, whereas Dory and Marlin really can't.

Sidelining them in their own journey would be a disservice to the film and, as such, a world based on Finding Nemo should be crafted from past experiences. Take the story-driven version of Atlantica in Kingdom Hearts II, strip away the musical sequences and replace them with improved but varied mini-game types from across the whole series and a Finding Nemo world would be a whole lot easier to manage.

Whether players are helping Dory and Marlin escape a frenzied Bruce, dodging anglerfish to retrieve the crucial diving mask or even riding the current with Crush, keeping their story front and center with Sora and the gang along for the ride to help Marlin's character progression would go a long way to doing the film justice without contorting to shoehorn combat in.


Writer, film enthusiast, part-time gamer and watcher of (mostly) good television located on the fringe of Los Angeles, who now has his own website at!