Kingdom Hearts 3: 10 Reasons It's A Disappointment

7. It's Too Damn Easy

Kingdom Hearts 3 Attraction Flow
Square Enix

Probably the most surprising thing about the entire game is just how absurdly easy it is.

On Normal difficulty Kingdom Hearts 3 is an absolute cake-walk, but even Proud doesn't really offer a whole lot of push-back, making this decisively the least-challenging game in the core franchise.

And though accessibility certainly is a good thing, it does feel like Kingdom Hearts 3 makes the player a little too capable for their own good.

The links and attraction flow mechanics make it easy to cheese your way through even the most seemingly imposing boss, making Sora and co. feel hilariously over-powered in the process.

You're not obliged to use these powers most of the time, of course, but it still detracts from a lot of the satisfaction that the game can be breezed through with no trouble whatsoever.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.