Kingdom Hearts 3: 10 Worlds Fans DON'T Want To See

8. The Little Mermaid

Kingdom Hearts 3 Marvel

We've seen The Little Mermaid before and in both iterations, it wasn't worth visiting.

It was bad enough when the first Kingdom Hearts had you visit Atlantica and you lost basically all of the combos you'd been building up from the rest of the game, but when Kingdom Hearts 2 made Atlantica a mini-game singing world, we knew we'd had enough of The Little Mermaid.

Transformation worlds are a risky venture in Kingdom Hearts. On the plus side, they can some of the most memorable in the game, but if done wrong they can be one of the worst. Pride Lands is an example of it being done right, as that's easily one of Kingdom Hearts 2's best worlds. Atlantica is the opposite of that.

Even as an actual world, Atlantica was extremely clunky and hard to navigate, as well as having some of the worst boss fights in the game. Fair enough that it did things differently, but that doesn't always mean better.

The less said about Sora singing with Ariel in a rhythm game, the better.


Jumping through portals, swinging through cities, destroying beings made of darkness and occasionally shooting a gun or two. I also write about games.