Kingdom Hearts 3: 10 Worlds Fans DON'T Want To See

6. Robin Hood

Kingdom Hearts 3 Marvel

Arguably the best bit of Robin Hood is its villain, and that's not really a reason for the whole world to appear is it?

Kingdom Hearts 3 seems like it's including worlds based not only on the characters and story, but the actual environment they inhabit and if it can make that world interesting to the player. Previous games have also done this, with an intent to making each world feel as unique as possible.

Robin Hood mostly takes place in a forest environment, which makes it one of the least likely worlds to appear in Kingdom Hearts 3. More classic Disney films are definitely needed in Kingdom Hearts 3, but Robin Hood doesn't really seem like it'd be the best fit of them all.

Even the anthropomorphic qualities of the characters is better suited to something like Zootopia, which is both more recent and more popular.

As cool as seeing Sora as an animal would be, it's probably better suited to one of the spin-off games rather than the most anticipated in the series.


Jumping through portals, swinging through cities, destroying beings made of darkness and occasionally shooting a gun or two. I also write about games.