Kingdom Hearts 3: 10 Worlds Fans DON'T Want To See

3. Star Wars

Kingdom Hearts 3 Marvel

This is going to be hard for some fans to accept, but it's just too soon to have Star Wars movies appear in Kingdom Hearts in a substantial way. There's other worlds that should get the priority.

When Disney ended up buying Lucasfilm and Star Wars, one of the first things that many people thought is that Kingdom Hearts could now include it in the third game.

One of the things holding this back is the fact that Kingdom Hearts 3 was already in development when this happened, and there are already a whole bunch of worlds that need to be put in before it. Nomura has recently said that because Star Wars isn't made directly by Disney it's a lot harder to put in.

It wouldn't be surprising to see Luke make a cameo as a Link summon, but expecting a whole world so soon is just silly.

That's not to say that Star Wars isn't a great fit for Kingdom Hearts though. it could and probably should be included in whatever comes after Kingdom Hearts 3.


Jumping through portals, swinging through cities, destroying beings made of darkness and occasionally shooting a gun or two. I also write about games.