Kingdom Hearts 3: 11 Disney Characters That Must Feature

4. Tiana

With the exception of Pocahontas, Disney's princesses have been showing up across the series since the first game, all of whom were longstanding Disney icons before it kicked off in 2002. In the years since, several more princesses have joined Disney's official roster, including Tiana, who made her big cinematic debut in 2009's The Princess and the Frog. Though anyone who has been to a Disney park can attest that she continues to have a presence in the parks, either through meet-and-greets, parades or otherwise, Tiana hasn't had the chance to shine in other media platforms in the way her predecessors have. In the context of Kingdom Hearts, she could easily slide into a minor role in the overarching narrative in the way past princesses have - i.e. Maleficent's gathering of the Princesses of Heart in the first game - or have an entire world devoted to her and her story. She's a great character and having Sora aid her, Naveen, Louis and Ray in thwarting Facilier's plans during Mardi Gras in the early 1900s would not only be fun, but a fantastic way to introduce the character and film to those who have missed out on seeing it since its release.

Writer, film enthusiast, part-time gamer and watcher of (mostly) good television located on the fringe of Los Angeles, who now has his own website at!