Kingdom Hearts 3 Reviews: 9 Early Reactions You Need To See

7. It Doesn't Offer Much Challenge

kingdom hearts 3
Square Enix
3 is simple to play, which works in its favour. It prioritizes spectacle above all else and delivers tremendously. Instead of having to focus too much on what you're pressing and when, you can enjoy the madness unfolding on screen. This is a game that shows off and wows you with dazzling lights, explosive sounds, and high-octane action, and you don't want to miss a second of it. That's not to say it's completely devoid of strategic considerations, but you'll need to play on the harder Proud difficulty level if you want the game to challenge you. Otherwise--barring a few end game bosses--the enemies are pushovers. - Gamespot
The bulk of Kingdom Hearts 3, the journey is smooth sailing (while playing on its standard difficulty mode, at least). More often than not, I die only because I’m not pressing the same button I’ve been pressing the whole time fast enough. - Polygon
After completing the Disney side of it all, Kingdom Hearts 3 culminates in hours of end-game resolution with massive battles that really tested my skills with the combat system. Previous boss battles littered across the worlds are often fun in their sheer scale but relatively easy, with enemies acting more as damage sponges that tested my endurance rather than my abilities. This section is the real payoff. - IGN

Possibly in order to counteract the game's inaccessible narrative, the core gameplay is said to be decidedly easier than in previous games, in large part due to the sheer wealth of abilities and strategies available to the player.

Most generic mobs can be easily felled without much fuss, and it seems that the game only offers some push-back in its final few hours. And even then, few expressed frustration with the late-period boss fights.

This may irk some hoping for a difficulty on par with its sometimes infuriating predecessors, but alas, the consensus seems to be that most can breeze down the critical path in around 25-30 hours.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.