Kingdom Hearts 3 Reviews: 9 Early Reactions You Need To See

5. But The Frozen World Is Kinda Boring

Kingdom Hearts 3 Frozen
Square Enix
Not all worlds maintain that high bar, however, as some feel either empty or lacking in what they offer. Arendelle's snow-covered terrain, for example, feels quite bland, and the main mission involves climbing a mountain multiple times. - Gamespot
Arendelle is a snow-covered labyrinth in which I spent an absurd number of hours running up and down and back up again a mountain that leads to Elsa. There’s nothing more to it than that: just a whole bunch of the color white on top of the color gray. It’s drab to look at and miserable to play, because the whole world is predicated on repetition. The only thing to break up this dry rhythm of climbing, jumping, fighting, repeat is a numbing time-waster of a quest to repair a busted Olaf. - Polygon
Exploring the worlds of Frozen and Tangled often felt too mundane in their similarity to reality and became repetitive as a result. They're definitely pretty worlds, but running through the same snowy peaks and grassy hills, respectively, not only gets boring after a while but can even be confusing if you make a wrong turn because of a lack of distinctive landmarks. - IGN

There was one surprising - and disappointing - common opinion across the reviews, however, that Frozen's Arendelle is by far the weakest of the locations on offer.

Most of the complaints were levelled at the tedious busy-work required to progress through the world, namely being forced to take the same repetitive path over and over again, and also carrying out a dull fetch quest to put snowman Olaf back together.

Simply, if you were hoping for Square Enix to capitalise fully on the phenomenon that is Frozen, it sounds like this is one area where the game falls unfortunately short.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.