Kingdom Hearts 3 Reviews: 9 Early Reactions You Need To See

3. The Central Characters Are As Charming As Ever

Kingdom hearts 3
Square Enix
Sora, the hero of the series, continues to be plucky and lovably naive. His greatest facets are his strength of heart, his ability to make friends with anyone, and his devotion to them--he is the archetypal wholesome good boy. Joining him once again is Donald Duck, stuffy and prone to outbursts but a trustworthy companion; and Goofy, slightly dimwitted but also the emotional anchor of the group. - Gamespot
After being away from Donald and Goofy for the last few entries, having them at your side again feels great. - Game Informer

The mainline Kingdom Hearts franchise has always been propped up, even in its worst moments, by the central character dynamic between Sora, Goofy and Donald Duck.

They are the heart and soul of the series, and many reviewers expressed relief that the game stays true to their characters, retaining their core charm that made them so endearing in the first place.

Considering how spectacularly awful earnest RPG protagonists can turn out - looking at you, Ni No Kuni II - this franchise continues to present a likeable and appealing cast of heroes front and centre. Phew.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.