Kingdom Hearts 4: 15 Disney Worlds We Need To See

7. Black Panther

Kingdom hearts 4
Marvel Studios

The first of a few Marvel worlds on this list, Wakanda from Black Panther would make for a great Kingdom Hearts level.

A straight-up adaptation of the movie with the addition of Sora and friends probably wouldn't be the best idea. With the serious topics that the movie deals with it would feel a tad inappropriate at times. The idea of Sora, Donald, and Goofy standing there awkwardly as Killmonger gives his emotional speech is making me cringe just thinking about it.

The best option would be to create an original story about Sora wanting to be a superhero like T'Challa. They can team up to save Wakanda from a bunch of Heartless, and the level could still deal with topics of race, just in a way that feels less jarring with the inclusion of Donald Duck.

Wakanda is just a really interesting world filled with interesting characters who would be perfect party members. There is still so much of Wakanda that's left unexplored in the movie so letting us venture across it in Kingdom Hearts IV would be a great idea.


Has a degree in video game development. Is kinda addicted to video games, television, and films. Probably needs some help, to be honest.