League Of Legends North American LCS Summer Split Analysis: Week 4

T-4. Team Coast (6-6)

team coast Team Coast played spectacular in their first game against Counter Logic Gaming. This, however, was offset by an uneven performance against TSM Snapdragon, in which support Daydreamin led the team in kills as Blitzcrank. This team is young and learns from their mistakes. With an experienced coach in retired Team Curse support Elementz, this team will only improve with time. Most of the players on the team improved on their individual performances, but good individual efforts need to combine much better in team fights. However, this team could certainly be a dark horse for the top spot as the weeks progress. Top lane player ZionSpartan showed dominance in the top lane against Counter Logic Gaming's Nien on Shen (7/1/10). However, in the loss to TSM, he was a non-factor, held to just one kill, one death, and one assist. Mid lane player Shiphtur made a great (6/1/8) performance as Jayce against CLG but followed it up with an inconsistent performance on Ryze against TSM. Jungler NintendudeX proved effective enough in both games, but I wonder if he could carry the team if he needed to. AD carry DontMashMe made significant improvements on a horrid week for him in Anaheim, with an 8/1/9 performance against Counter Logic Gaming. Support Daydreamin continues to prove lethal on that Blitzcrank; he was so lethal on it against TSM that he took kills away from the rest of his team and ended up leading his team in kills for the game (4/5/4).

Ryan Turk is currently a freelance writer and Virginia Tech student. He has articles for sale and contributes for this website and Constant Content, as well as the Virginia Tech Collegiate Times. His official writing website is ryanturk.blogspot.com for more information about his work.