Legend Of Zelda: Ranking Every Ganon From Worst To Best

8. Breath Of The Wild

legend of zelda ganon

Breath Of The Wild is all about exploration. Your focus is on exploring the world, learning how to survive in this vast, dangerous wilderness. Sure, your ultimate aim is to destroy Ganon (you’re given that as your mission within about two hours of play), but it’s not what any player is going to remember about the game.

It seems the designers felt similarly about the latest incarnation of Hyrule’s ultimate evil, as Breath’s big baddie (now operating as Calamity Ganon) is a bit underwhelming. He spends the majority of the game floating menacingly around Hyrule Castle, a big pink cloud of malice.

He gives you a taste of his power during the game’s four dungeons (the low point in a truly brilliant game), before greeting you in his lair in the form of a… kind of spider thing, for some reason. After that, he turns into something resembling his usual wild pig form, and then the game just ends.

Breath Of The Wild is perhaps the best Zelda game ever, but little of that is down to the boss fights, which sometimes feel like they’re tacked on because it’s what the fans expect. Take nothing away from the experience, it’s a must-play - but if the sequel can improve on anything, it’s this.


Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ www.twotownsover.com (if you want!)