The Legend Of Zelda: 10 Open-World Features It Needs To Have

3. Complex Combat

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward SwordNintendoSkyward Sword revolutionised Zelda€™s combat gameplay with the sensitive Wii controls meaning that targeting and button-mashing for dear life would no longer be a viable solution in desperate times - swordsmanship definitely becoming smarter. To build upon this, a marriage of sorts between elements of previous games to increase the complexity of combat in Zelda U would be an excellent touch. Mixing The Hidden Skills from Twilight Princess with the fun and varied enemy design and tactics of Wind Waker, plus adding elements like the directional slashes from Skyward Sword, would all add to - but not overhaul - the combat system. Basically, what this means is giving players the further chance to choose between different strategies to fight enemies; Link would not necessarily become a hyper-skilled swordsman all of a sudden a la Dark Souls, but instead we would get a nice bag of tricks to deal with enemies of different designs, involving both swordplay and other items and skills. Enemies too, could use a bit of expansion in terms of design; other than a few, most Zelda enemies are embarrassingly easy to defeat €“ which sometimes this extends to bosses, too. If we get a combat overhaul, then we need at least a few types of enemies to step up to the plate that would require more strategy and cunning - like Ocarina of Time€™s Stalfos for example. Although there's always something to be said about the arse-grabbing Moblins of Wind Waker...

Canadian student. Spends probably an unhealthy amount of time enthusing over musicals, unpopular TV shows, and Harry Potter. Main life goal: to become fluent in Elvish.