LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens - 13 Exciting Details We Just Learned

2. There's Already DLC Coming

LEGO Star Wars DLC Droids
TT Games

As the game's season pass has already revealed, you'll get three new Level Packs (another Poe Dameron story, the First Order Seige of Takodana and the Escape from Starkiller Base). There are also more characters coming, with five Character Packs (including a Prequels Trilogy one and Clone Wars), and the chance to play the likes of Aayla Secura, Anakin Skywalker, Darth Maul, Jango Fett and Ahsoka Tano.

Plus you'll get vehicles like Strus Clan Speeders, Jakku Freighters, Assault Walkers and Jedi Interceptors. They'll all be available from the 28th of June on release, with the a Jedi character pack available immediately.

That's alongside the Droids Character Pack that is being released as a PS4 exclusive alongside the game's release. That one's worth it for General Grievous alone...


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