Like A Dragon: 11 Details In Yakuza Games That'll Blow Your Mind

6. Majima's Fake Accent

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Majima Goro is a wild and crazy fellow, no doubt about that – though he's a bit smarter than he lets on, as well. Majima speaks with a Kansai dialect, unlike many others in the game who speak with the Kanto dialect, which makes sense given his backstory of working in Osaka for the Omi Alliance, at least initially.

On a few occasions characters have either commended, mocked, or warned Majima that his accent was slipping, implying his whole speech pattern is a farce.

In Japan, the Kansai dialect is considered the more backwater accent of the land, compared to the Kanto dialect. It would be like someone from Oxford speaking with a West Country accent, or for any Americans, a Bostonian speaking with a Wisconsin accent.

Here, it only adds to the mystery and actions of the character, adding another layer onto why fans adore him so much.


Author of Escort (Eternal Press, 2015), co-founder of Nic3Ntertainment, and developer behind The Sickle Upon Sekigahara (2020). Currently freelancing as a game developer and history consultant. Also tends to travel the eastern U.S. doing courses on History, Writing, and Japanese Poetry. You can find his portfolio at