Like A Dragon: 11 Details In Yakuza Games That'll Blow Your Mind

4. Majima's Conservationist Attitude

yakuza tattoo

One thing that makes Majima Goro such a great character is his nuanced vibe. On the one hand he's a psychotic murderer, but on the other he's a caring friend (in his own way), and a strangely honorable guy. He's willing to kidnap a girl to get Kiryu to fight him, but he admits he'd never stoop so low as to actually harm her.

Several games in the series have Majima remarking on environmental conservation too. Take a scene in Kiwami, the remake of the first game, where Majima is so into berating a dude for not doing his civic duty - that is, recycling a plastic container - that he initially turns down a fight with Kiryu. He warns Kiryu of the dangers of throwing plastic in a bin headed for the incinerator.

"Ya gonna be there to take responsibility when we got toxic-ass dioxins floatin' around?"

In a flashback sequence in Yakuza 4, when Saejima Taiga mentions that Japan is hotter than normal, Majima responds. "Whole country? Try the whole world. We're destroyin' the earth's environment. The ozone layer's all messed up, too."

If environmental conservancy is enough to make Majima turn down a fight with Kiryu, it must be important to him.


Author of Escort (Eternal Press, 2015), co-founder of Nic3Ntertainment, and developer behind The Sickle Upon Sekigahara (2020). Currently freelancing as a game developer and history consultant. Also tends to travel the eastern U.S. doing courses on History, Writing, and Japanese Poetry. You can find his portfolio at