Live Streamed Vita Event On March 9th

Sony to reveal unannounced Vita titles, as well as new information about pending releases.

Sony has announced the "Welcome! PlayStation Vita Game Heaven" event which will be taking place on Friday March 9th, just one week from today. What's more, they've invited you! Sony will be streaming the event live on the web, and you'll be able to catch the show right here at the Vita Game Heaven address. While it will most likely be all in Japanese, it might be worth checking out seeing as according to Andriasang Sony plans on revealing unannounced Vita titles, as well as new information about pending releases and existing Vita services. The event starts at 20:00 JST, which means 11:00 for us guys here in the UK. So, any predictions on what games might be making their way over to the Vita? Meanwhile don't forget to check out our PlayStation Vita: One Week In article HERE.

Corey's been in love with games ever since he first met a bandicoot many moons ago. Since then he's discovered he'll play pretty much anything, except karaoke games. He spends his time writing, listening to classic rock and drinking perhaps a little too much Guinness. You can follow his Irish internet ramblings on his Twitter @Corey_Milne