Madden NFL 21 Review: 4 Ups & 8 Downs

3. It's Buggy As Hell

Madden 20 Clipping
EA Sports

Clipping is still a problem in Madden 21 despite pre-release claims that it'd be eradicated.

Players often run right through one another, or become some nightmarish collection of twisted limbs as they fight for the ball. That's not the only bug encountered either - frame rate drops are frequent enough to be an issue, especially when they lead to controller-shattering missed field goals.

Elsewhere, there are instances of players running around in circles without reason, others being totally out of position pre-snap and more. This will likely get patched out in a few weeks, but that's not the point. People want a polished/finished product on release day, not later.

Yours truly didn't personally experience as many glitches in Madden 20 as others. That's not to say they weren't there (just look them up on YouTube), but it seems more obviously problematic this year. That's just not good enough.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.