Mafia 3: 10 Things You Didn't Know You Could Do

8. Ram Vehicles

Mafia 3 III

No, it's not that you didn't know you could slam your vehicle into others, but more like Vin Diesel's little-known game, Wheelman, there's a dedicated 'ram button' on X/A, which can do a couple of cool things.

First, tapping X/A without any direction gives your car a forward speed boost (don't ask why), but if you combine it with holding left or right, you'll do a very forceful and accurate side-swipe, usually resulting in sending your target careening off the road.

This 'dodge' manouvre can also be used to weave through traffic once you get the hang of how much it juts your car back and forth. Mostly though, just use it to slam dudes into the Bayou and let the gators do the rest.

Speaking of which...

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