The mass cultural opinion within the gaming industry waxes and wanes like the most violent pendulum swing - almost on a daily basis. One minute The Last of Us Remastered is the reason to go ahead and finally buy a PS4, and the next it's being roundly pooped upon from the grandest of heights for just being a shiny re-release of something from last year. Of course the latter opinion seemed to emerge overnight when the platform comparisons started shooting up, but it stands to reason that we gamers are something of a dedicated, outspoken bunch. Take Call of Duty, the most popular example of a series the vast majority of gamers suddenly turned their back on. Remember back when Modern Warfare completely Goldeneye'd the last generation of systems and reinvented the way we play first-person multiplayer shooters? Obviously Activision new they'd backed a winning horse... only to run the series into the ground, with this year's Advanced Warfare landing to the furore of a dry sponge. It remains popular enough to this day to keep going though, with a very devoted following that will buy any and all DLC Activison put out - fighting any who say Battlefield has become superior to the (digital) death along the way. So which titles have become enamoured in popular culture that you just can't get away with? Let us know in the comments!