Marvel’s Spider-Man 2: 10 Tips & Tricks The Game Doesn’t Tell You

Which abilities to prioritise, and how to swing WAY faster.

Spider-man 2
Sony Interactive Entertainment

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 is here, and the long-awaited sequel introduces a bevy of new features for players to try out as either Peter Parker or Miles Morales.

There's a revamped progression system, new traversal and combat elements and a new way to unlock costumes - so much so that returning players from Marvel's Spider-Man may be wondering what the best route is to take as they progress the sequel's story.

Insomniac's latest PlayStation 5 game does provide pretty clear instructions on how to integrate all of the new tools and features in its locker, but there are certain strategies, routes and combat tips that are up to the player to adopt and implement themselves.

Fortunately, for those seeking greater guidance, WhatCulture is here to impart some wise Marvel's Spider-Man 2 tips and tricks - like a sort of gaming Uncle Ben (he stays indoors all the time so thankfully doesn't get killed).

From which upgrades to get first to how to get the drop on certain enemy types, here are some Marvel's Spider-Man 2 lessons that should (hopefully) make your time in Insomniac's epic sequel even better.

10. Unlock Wall Thrash As Soon As You Can

Spider-man 2
Sony Interactive Entertainment

One of the showpiece moments in the Marvel's Spider-Man 2 gameplay reveal came early on, where a symbiote-suited Peter Parker lays into a Kraven thug who's pinned against the wall. Similar in a way to the beatdown mechanic from the Batman: Arkham games, this move deals high damage to a chosen target and also provides a nice flourish in combat. Weirdly, though, it's a skill that you can miss if you aren't paying close attention.

Said skill, called "Wall Thrash", is located in the Peter and Miles section of the skills menu, and is unlocked after advancing through the combat section of the tree. It's easy to miss, though, particularly if you're spending more time upgrading Peter and Miles' specific skills or because you've put more attention into the traversal and stealth section of the shared tree.

In any case, make sure not to steam through the story and side missions without realising you missed this skill.

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Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Dad Movies are my jam.