Marvel’s Spider-Man 2: 10 Tips & Tricks The Game Doesn’t Tell You
8. Why Tech Parts Matter
When it came to unlocking suits and upgrades, tokens were very much the name of the game in the first Marvel's Spider-Man. Marvel's Spider-Man 2 upends this system slightly, still requiring Hero Tokens to unlock certain suits and gadget upgrades but with the addition of "Tech Parts", which are hidden in various caches across the map.
These cases - which vary between basic Tech Parts and Legendary Tech Parts - are fairly abundant in-game compared to the other collectibles, so it can be tempting to ignore them if you're in the flow of web-slinging your way around New York.
However, while stopping and restarting your swinging can be frustrating, it is much better to grab these parts on the go rather than neglect them altogether, as upgrades can be expensive, and you want to make sure you're as well equipped as possible to sample as many of the new Marvel's Spider-Man 2 suit unlocks as you can.
Keep an eye out for the Miles and Peter skill which enables you to highlight Tech Part caches on the minimap too. This will make tracking them down that much easier, and ensure you aren't wanting for parts when you find yourself desperate to try a new suit or colorway.