Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: 14 Tips & Tricks The Game NEVER Told You
There is WAY more to this game than you think.

Ultimate Alliance 3 might have received the best lay-up in video game history.
Where the PS4's Spider-Man was likely the first open-world Spidey for a whole new generation of gamers, MUA 3 followed Avengers: Endgame; a movie that ended on a set-piece combining every character we'd come to love across the last 10 years.
Millions of us left the theatre thinking, "Boy... I sure do love Marvel, and I sure do want to control as many of them as possible on an epic adventure!"
Thankfully, that was clearly the mandate for Team Ninja and Nintendo, as although this is the final part in a potential trilogy, it's also a celebration of MCU ephemera in every possible way.
The story mimics the Avengers' hunt for the Infinity Stones, centring Thanos and the Black Order as the bad guys - complete with Outriders tearing the place apart as you attempt to save everyone. There's even a notable role for Mysterio near the beginning, as the devs knew Far From Home would be out by now.
All of that is to say: MUA 3 is a fireworks display of signature abilities and recognisable characters. It's supremely easy to play, but there's a surprising amount of depth once you start dissecting the systems on offer.